There are a variety of service areas that have volunteering opportunities at Somerset Council. You can find information about all the roles below. Not all opportunities are available all the time, you can search and apply for available roles here. If you see a role here that is not currently available, please keep an eye on the website for updates or you can register an interest and we’ll contact you with information about when the services you are interested in start to recruit again.
You can real all about our existing volunteers experiences here – Volunteer Stories.
Arts Engagement & Outreach – Octagon and Westlands, Yeovil
The Arts Engagement & Outreach team is all about providing more opportunities for communities to watch, take part and benefit from arts and cultural activities. Volunteering is an important and valued part of the Arts Engagement & Outreach programme at The Octagon Theatre & Westlands Entertainment Venue. There are 2 roles:
- Octagon Theatre Buddies – Act as companions and advocates for patrons, supporting people to experience the theatre and set foot in venues, who without this support would not have done so previously.
- Octagon & Westlands Participate Volunteers – Support the Arts Engagement & Outreach team with the running of the Participation and Arts for Health & Wellbeing programmes.
Children’s Homes
Although these premises are maintained by Somerset Council, we’d like to have volunteers undertake certain tasks that we can’t. We’d like to make our premises a really pleasant environment, by carrying out those small jobs that aren’t essential, and so not on the maintenance roster, but make the home and grounds a much more welcoming and friendly place for everyone who uses it.
Community Employment Hubs
The Community Employment Hubs provide a free employment support service for people across Somerset. The hubs offer flexible support to people to overcome their own personal barriers to skills development and employment. We know that those who attend the hubs benefit from increased confidence and self-esteem. We are determined for this support to reach as many people as possible and we can’t do that without our team of amazing volunteers.
We have 3 roles to support these Hubs:
- Support Volunteer – Offering bespoke support and guidance to clients who attend the Hubs, either through pre planned appointments or drop ins.
- Meet and Greet Volunteer – Provide a friendly face and offer refreshments, directing the clients to where they need to be.
- Communications and Marketing Volunteer – Support the promotion and outreach of our Community Employment Hubs, helping to promote the hubs to reach as many people as possible.
Community Inclusion Team
Volunteering with the Community Inclusion Team makes a difference to young people with a disability or additional need and their families as it enables them to try new things, have fun and access their local community. This can include helping at one off or regular clubs across the county. You can get involved by being a Community Inclusion and Activity Volunteer, make a difference to young people with a disability or additional need and their families by supporting them to try new things, have fun and access their local community.
Countryside Volunteering – South Somerset
Based in South Somerset and operating in Ham Hill and Chard Reservoir, there are five ways to get involved:
- Roaming Ranger – Volunteers helping with visitor management, including providing information about where to go, what to do and what to see on site, encouraging responsible behaviour and reporting visitor conflicts. Roaming ranges act as the eyes and ears of the ranger team
- Wildlife Surveyor – assisting with species recording and population monitoring at the sites.
- Engagement Volunteer / Engagement Support Volunteer – assisting with public events, community groups and school group visits and activities delivering a variety of events and activities focussed on environmental education to a wide range of people.
- Countryside Ranger – assisting with habitat management and site maintenance, sometimes as part of team and on occasion unsupervised by a member of the Somerset Council ranger team. They will undertake a range of practical work that will include litter picking, tree planting, coppicing, scrub clearance, fencing, path maintenance works, working in or around water courses.
- Team Countryside Ranger – as above, but this role always volunteers alongside team members
Customer Panel
This panel has been set up to help the new Somerset Council understand the needs and preferences of our customers, ensure our services are easy to access and use and to identify how and where we as a Council can improve. You can get involved by becoming a panel member.
Duke of Edinburgh Award
Working to support the activities required for young people to achieve these amazing awards.
How you can get involved:
- DofE Assessor – All qualifying DofE expeditions must be assessed. You could be supervising/assessing on the Quantocks, Mendips, Dartmoor, Exmoor, Brecon’s etc. Depending on where a centre is doing their expedition.
- Bath and West Volunteer – This role is to supervise the Gold residential during the day (not overnight).
Harbour Management Committee Volunteers
Members of the community helping to make recommendations about the running and maintenance of Somerset Council harbours. The Harbour Management Committee consists of co-opted community members and Somerset Council elected members. It makes recommendations about running of harbours and ports and monitors the management of the harbours and ports.
Independent Remuneration Panel
The Independent Remuneration Panel makes recommendations to Somerset Council about what elected member roles within the Authority will receive the different allowances available. It also makes recommendations about the amount of such allowances and about the amount of the basic allowance, among other things. You can take part by being a member of this panel.
Leaving Care
Somerset Council’s Leaving Care Team supports young people aged 16-25 years old who are in transition from Care to living independently.
How you can get involved:
- Positive Living Volunteer: Group Support – Help to facilitate a range of groups and drop in sessions to support young people enhance their social skills and improve their self-confidence.
- Positive Living Volunteer: Supported Housing – Assisting the staff team with client support work and general housekeeping duties and provide support sessions that provide independent living skills in supported housing.
Somerset Libraries offer an extensive collection of books, films, digital products and so much more. There is an amazing range of other services available to our members. From online business tool subscriptions to health and wellbeing services, children’s activities to supported digital learning.
How you can get involved:
- Home Library Service: Local Area Lead Volunteer – The home library service area lead volunteer liaises with their local library, home library service volunteers and the home library service manager to arrange for the delivery of books to Home Library Service customers.
- Home Library Service: Volunteer – Home library service volunteers work with the local libraries to choose, deliver and collect books, audio books and DVDs to people who are housebound.
- Activity and Events Volunteer – Helping to run activities and events helps us to welcome more people into our libraries.
- Digital Library Volunteer – Helping others improve their IT skills.
- Under 18s Volunteer – Get experience of a workplace setting, contribute to your community and widen your social network.
- Team Support Volunteer – Being a Team Support Volunteer provides you with the opportunity to get involved in a mixture of customer service and back-room book stock and shelving tasks.
- Summer Reading Challenge Volunteer – Help to get children reading more.
If you would like to know more about, as well as the impact of the Home Library Service, please enjoy this short video.
Mendip Hills National Landscape
The National Landscapes have dedicated teams who work to conserve and enhance the landscapes, natural and cultural heritage of these wonderful areas. Volunteering is a great opportunity to explore the outdoors and, because of the wide range of roles, there is something for everyone to get involved with.
How you can get involved:
- Community Outreach Volunteer – Supporting the delivery of the Nature and Wellbeing Project. Includes delivering talks relating to the Mendips and its landscape and wildlife, mental health, and activities such as yoga, forest bathing and wellness walks.
- Young Ranger Assistant – Assist the staff team leader to mentor, supervise and deliver a variety of different activities for the Young Ranger Programme.
- Volunteer Ranger – Act as ambassadors for the Mendip Hills National Landscape, representing the National Landscape Unit across sites and in local communities and helping us manage the area’s special qualities.
- Research and Admin Support – Carry out research and collect/collate data for specific subject areas.
- Dry Stone Wall Volunteer – Building and repairing drystone walls to keep them in optimum condition for years to come.
- Nature Recovery Volunteer – Helping conserve, enhance and maintain the special qualities of the National Landscape.
- Nature Connections Volunteer – Support the Nature and Wellbeing Specialist Officer to deliver sessions and courses to adults experiencing mental health concerns.
Public Health Nursing
The Public Health Nursing team, including Health Visitors, Assistant Practitioners and School Nurses, deliver services across the county, focusing on reducing health inequalities and increase life expectancy in Somerset. This is achieved through a wide range of targeted public health programmes to promote better health.
How you can get involved:
- Volunteer – Observe and engage in a range of clinical activities relating to health visiting/school nursing under the direct supervision of a qualified Public Health Nurse.
- Support Volunteer – Supporting the Public Health Nursing teams by meeting and greeting those attending clinic and providing general and admin support.
- Circle Volunteer – Help Public Health Nursing develop better services by taking part in staff recruitment, shaping service plans, giving feedback about online services and future resources and / or attending promotional events.
Quantock Hills National Landscape
The small team that manage this area are able to offer a number of volunteering opportunities. Whether you’re looking to get involved in hands on practical tasks, wildlife surveys or working with community groups, there is something for everyone to be a part of.
How you can get involved:
- Swaling Volunteer – Under the direction of rangers and staff, complete this specialist habitat management practice.
- Heritage Monument Surveyors – Monitor the scheduled monuments which are found within the National Landscape, visiting the scheduled monuments and undertaking surveys including condition assessments and taking photographs.
- Estates Volunteer – Supporting the National Landscape rangers in the varied conservation tasks which need to be achieved across the National Landscape. This work can include coppicing, dry stone walling and brush cutting.
- Volunteer Rangers – Checking on visitor sites, being on hand to answer visitors questions or giving talks to local groups.
- Community Engagement Volunteer – Helping with activities that raise awareness around of the natural environment and the local history of the area.
- Wildlife Surveyor – Taking part in surveys to monitor the presence and abundance of different wildlife species.
- Walk Leader – Help support and lead walking events in the Quantock Hills.
- Livestock Checker – Help monitor the team’s Exmoor Ponies on the Hills.
The Quantock Landscape Partnership Scheme (QLPS) is a five-year scheme to begin delivery to enhance the landscape, natural environment and provide more opportunities for people to engage and enjoy the scheme area. The National Landscape Team in partnership with South West Heritage Trust, Friends of Quantock and others, aims to inspire the local communities to learn from the centuries of landscape development on the Quantock Hills and undertake a wide range of projects providing resilience and protection of the landscape into the future.
How you can get involved:
- QLPS Digital Heritage Assistant Volunteer – Using digital maps and other digital resources to support protecting, restoring and increasing the understanding of our beautiful landscape.
- QLPS Heritage Assistant Volunteer – Support building a detailed historical understanding of the Quantock Hills National Landscape through supported and independent field work.
- QLPS Wild Workout – Combine an active mindset with doing good for community or countryside by supporting with a variety of QLPS community engagement.
- QLPS Historic Building Recorder – Visit historic buildings and structures, making detailed written, drawn, and photographic records of the constructions.
- QLPS Hedgerow Surveyor -Recording and support understanding of the hedgerows by walking along a stretch of hedgerow and identifying the woody species, and the general hedge characteristics.
Rights of Way
Somerset is a wonderful county full of contrast and there is no better way to absorb its beauty, variety and history than through the Public Rights of Way Network. The county has over 9000 rights of way totalling 3808 miles (6129 km). The extensive path network is varied ranging from long distance routes such as the South West Coast Path and the River Parrett Trail, to a number of promoted circular routes and local country paths.
How you can get involved:
- Adopt-a-Path – Help keep your local paths clear and open for all to enjoy.
- TrailWatcher – Support the high standards of our promoted trails.
- Somerset Local Access Forum Member – Join this statutory body and get involved in the management of public access in the county.
- Somerset Strimmer Volunteer – Help keep Rights of Way clear of vegetation using power tools.
- Ease of Use Surveyor – Help monitor the Rights of Way network and help to improve its condition.
- Parish Path Liaison Officer (PPLO) – Make a difference in your local area by being the link between the Rights of Way team and the local community.
Route 1
Route 1 provide advice and support to children and young people.
How you can get involved:
- Advocate – An advocate is an independent person who represents young people at conferences, reviews and meetings, Their aim is to empower a young person by supporting them to have their say.
- Independent Visitor – Independent Visitors are volunteers who befriend and spend time with a child or young person who is in the care of the Local Authority. This role emphasises building a long term relationship with one child or young person (visiting once or twice each month and sometimes more often) – undertaking a variety of activities together, depending on their interests and the age of the young person.
School Appeals Panels
Helping to support school governance and provide the best outcomes for children and young people across Somerset, an Independent School Appeals Panel Member helps to ensure all school admission, exclusion or transport appeals for maintained schools and Academies are conducted in a fair and transparent way.
School Governor
This vital role involves attending at least six meetings each year, normally held in the evening. At these meetings, school governors and trustees offer critical advice and scrutiny of the decisions and policies of the school.
Somerset Waste Partnership
Somerset Waste Partnership manages household waste services on behalf of Mendip, Sedgemoor, Somerset West and Taunton Council, South Somerset District Council and Somerset Council.
How you can get involved:
- Compost Champion – Compost Champions to share their enthusiasm and expertise about composting, raising awareness of the benefits of composting, encourage more people to compost at home, support those already composting and promote Somerset’s compost bin offer by visiting events and groups across the county.
- Food Champion – We Love Food, Hate Waste! Be part of our campaign by being a Food Champion. Promote food saving behaviour and food waste recycling in Somerset, based on campaign materials and guidance provided by us.
Transporting Somerset – Volunteer Driver
If you enjoy driving and meeting new people then this could be the role for you! You will use your own 4 door car to provide transport for eligible clients to and from non-emergency hospital, social care and other appointments at different locations.
Youth Offending Team
There are volunteering opportunities within the Youth Offending Team that will allow you to support young people
The roles are rewarding and challenging. You could be helping young people to repair the harm that has been caused by their crime, build self-confidence, learn a new skill or gain a new experience.
- Appropriate Adult – You’ll act as an Appropriate Adult in support of a young person or a vulnerable adult police detainee and ensure that they understand what is happening to them and why.
- Family Group Conference Volunteer – We are looking for advocate volunteers to assist in supporting vulnerable family members, to participate in a Family Group Conference. A family group conference is a process led by family members to plan and make decisions for a child who is at risk.
- Reparation Mentor – You will be helping young people to repair the harm that has been caused by their crime, build confidence, learn a new skill or gain a new experience.
- Restorative Justice (Victim Support) – You’ll be repairing the harm that has been caused by crime committed by young people, by helping victims to explore their thoughts, feelings & views about community resolutions.
- Referral Order Panel – You will work alongside others (including young offenders), to devise individual and imaginative programmes of work to address young people’s offending behaviour.
- Out of Court Panel – You will bring the perspective of the community to the panel that decides on appropriate and proportionate outcomes for children and young people who have committed criminal offences.